Develop high quality nature-based interventions for climate mitigation in Southeast Asia
Forest conservation and restoration is one of the best examples of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that can provide solutions for societal challenges, such as reducing people’s vulnerability to climate change impact and building their resilience to it. WWF-Singapore is a member of the newly-formed Southeast Asia Climate and Nature Based Solutions Coalition (SCeNe Coalition), working to establish high impact and high-quality NbS projects by identifying key geographies in Southeast Asia where the greatest benefit to local communities, biodiversity, and climate could be achieved.

Caption: Areas that were once deforested for aquaculture or firewood are now being reforested with mangrove saplings to rehabilitate mangrove, © Elliott James Ong / WWF-Singapore
Develop Corporate Guidance on climate mitigation and NbS
As nature-based climate mitigations projects gain attention, the right checks and balances are required to ensure that investments into these projects result in science-based carbon reduction goals. WWF-Singapore is leveraging on our international network and expertise to develop corporate guidelines and best practices for companies on NbS, climate finance and carbon credits.