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If you are part of your company’s CSR or HR department, or are simply interested in meaningful ways to engage your employees or colleagues, look no further.
In the time it takes to say ’deforestation’, another chunk of forest the size of a football pitch is destroyed. That’s every two seconds, every single day.
From the air we breathe to the wood we use, forests provide resources essential to our daily lives. They are home to more than half of the world’s land-based species, and globally, over 1 billion people live in and around forests and rely on them for food, shelter and their livelihoods. Furthermore, as the second largest storehouse of carbon, forest degradation has become a huge concern globally as we are losing forests at an alarming rate.
In 60 minutes, we will shed some insights on what are the main drivers behind deforestations and the simple things you can do now to save the world’s forests. Explore with us the various ways we can put back that chunk of forest lost.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Biodiversity supports nature and provides us with resources we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter. However, according to the WWF 2020 Living Planet Report, the population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles have seen an alarming average drop of 68% since 1970. Learn and celebrate biodiversity through a fun hands-on session on biodiversity and the important role it plays in the continuity of our planet. Unleash your inner Picasso with a professional doodler guiding you on how you can draw your favourite animal species!
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
We protect wildlife because they inspire us and are a part of our legacy. We focus our efforts on iconic species like tigers, elephants, and sharks — namely species that influence and support the survival of other species, or offers the opportunity to protect whole landscapes or marine areas.
This green talk will provide a broader insight on the unique challenges faced by the wildlife species in our region, WWF’s conservation solutions to protect wildlife and how you, as an individual, can help bring wildlife back.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
In the recent years, we have received constant reminders of the severity of the climate crisis we face with extreme weather. You don’t have to be a scientist to look out your window and see its effects – storms, floods, drought, debilitating forest fires with last year being one of the hottest years on record.
The climate crisis isn’t in the post, it’s been delivered. And these impacts will only worsen if the global temperature continues to rise. Through this talk, learn more about the topic, what it takes to safeguard our planet and what each of us can do to work towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient Singapore.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Eggshells are one of the most commonly produced household wastes. The majority of it goes into our trash cans and eventually into the landfills. But do you know – even food waste such as eggshells can be repurposed in a few simple steps?
Transform trash into treasure with this hands-on workshop! Repurpose these eggshells into useful products such as coasters, which you can bring home after 2-3 weeks.
During the session, you will also learn about the issue of food waste in Singapore, and what you can do as individuals.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
As much as 40% of food produced globally is lost or wasted. Not only does this put heavy strain on the natural resources required for food production, food waste is also a strong driver of climate change contributing to 20% of the methane emissions in landfills.
Get your hands dirty and create your very own ferticlay-based figurine/item, using clay made from recycled waste products, which you can bring home with you!
You will also learn about the often overlooked utility of food waste, and how we can play our part by taking action towards a truly circular economy.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
What we eat matters – not just for our own health, but also for the planet’s health. Adopting a planet-based diet consists of minimizing processed foods, ensuring balance and variety, and eating more locally produced foods.
Put your green fingers to the test in this fun and engaging workshop! Learn how to grow your own microgreens in this hands-on guided session. You can even bring the starter kit back home and grow them in the comfort of your own home!
At the same time, you will learn more about the nutritious benefits of microgreens, and the impact our food choices has on our environment.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed the spotlight on the role of illegal and unregulated wildlife trade in the spread of zoonotic diseases.
Such trade brings animals away from their natural habitats into close proximity with people along transport routes and in markets. Animal to animal, species to species and wildlife to human transmission is therefore greatly facilitated by such trade.
Although governments are under pressure to implement blanket prohibitions on wildlife trade, massive political and socio economic challenges exist.
This enlightening session focuses on the risks posed by the hunting, trade and consumption of wildlife to human societies and the measures that can be implemented to reduce the risk of future pandemics.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
In Singapore, about 700 million kg of plastic waste is discarded every year. However, less than 10% of plastics are being recycled. Our excessive use of plastics which has since increased due to the Covid-19 pandemic, is impacting ocean health and biodiversity. By 2050, there could be more plastics in the ocean than fish by weight.
In this session, find out how businesses can transform how we use plastic and how individuals can play a part in creating change too. A lasting solution lies in a systemic change to make plastics more useful, even as we use less plastic.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
The global Living Planet Index shows an average 68% decline in biodiversity between 1970 and 2016. This matters because biodiversity is fundamental to human life on Earth, and the evidence is unequivocal – it is being destroyed at a rate unprecedented in history. As emission levels peak every year, pandemics are getting more frequent, placing a greater threat on biodiversity and exacerbating the loss of species.
WWF collaborates with people and businesses globally to develop and deliver innovative solutions that protect communities, wildlife, and their habitat. Spend the hour with us to understand the fragility of our environment and delve into what it takes to safeguard our planet and Singapore’s future, as part of a global movement for the environment.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Nature-based solutions (NbS) is the new buzz word. But what are they exactly and what are some common misconceptions surrounding the term? How can they help to address the climate crisis while benefiting both nature and society? Are there any challenges and risks associated with their implementation?
This green talk will provide a broader insight on the potential of NbS in addressing societal challenges and biodiversity loss, WWF’s efforts in this space and what governments and companies can do to build a nature-positive economy and business.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Take an exciting yet peaceful stroll through nature with our guided nature walk, as you learn more about the different plant and insect species endemic to Singapore. At the same time, you will be given the opportunity to take macro photographs of biodiversity using only your phone and discover the wonders of nature through a macro lens, with the guidance of professional photographers.
PINS is one of WWF Explores Programmes that aims to bring people to the great outdoors to explore and discover exciting things about our natural world. This is part of our outreach effort to promote the preservation of nature through Citizen Science.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Mangrove forests are extremely productive ecosystems that provide numerous goods and services to both the marine environment and people. They serve as nurseries for many aquatic animals and are home to an astounding number of species. They provide essential storm protection and act as powerful carbon sinks – storing more carbon than any other type of forest, locking carbon away in the soil underneath their roots.
However, due to deforestation and pollution, this ecosystem is quickly being destroyed. During high tide, man-made wastes, such as plastics and foam pieces, are trapped in the complex roots of mangroves. Through this activity, participants will help to clear plastic and trash debris, learn more about the mangroves, rehabilitate them and protect the animals that reside within them. We also encourage our participants to track their impact, recording important data on the amount and types of trash collected. The data collected will deliver a snapshot of river trash which will help provide researchers and policy-makers insight to inform solutions.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Did you know, globally each year, 100,000 marine mammals die as a result of plastic pollution either through ingestion or entanglement? Through this activity, participants will have the opportunity to connect back to nature and learn about the impact of litter on wildlife and the environment. They will even get a chance to visit the litter hot-spots along the river!
With this, participants will form a better understanding of how pollution affects not only our biodiversity, but us too in terms of public health and safety as it affects the quality of our supply of drinking water.
During our cleanups we urge participants to track their impact, collecting important data on the amount and types of trash collected. The data collected will deliver a snapshot of river trash which will help provide researchers and policy-makers insight to inform solutions
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Since 1986, over 16 million people collectively removed more than 330 million pounds of trash from beaches and waterways around the world, according to the International Coastal Cleanup.
The problem of plastic in nature, particularly in our oceans, is a global crisis. Every minute, about a dump-truck load of plastic goes into the oceans, sullying beaches, hurting wildlife, and contaminating our food supply.
In this activity, we will clean up our beautiful beaches and keep them plastic free. Every piece of plastic you pick up is one less piece in nature. After the cleanup, we will also weigh the amount of trash that participants collected, to track the impact of the activity.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Are you known as the sustainability champion in your workplace? Challenge your colleagues and friends on your knowledge of conservation topics through a fun and engaging trivia battle! Along the way, you will gain the latest facts about conservation topics such as climate change, illegal wildlife trade, and plastic consumption. Flex your environmental muscles and put your knowledge to the test to find out who amongst you are the true conservation champions!
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Oceans supply half the oxygen we breathe, and provide food and livelihoods for more than a billion people. However, centuries of overuse and neglect threaten to leave us with a vast blue wasteland.
It’s time to change the way we see our oceans – from places where we take what we want and dump what we don’t, to a shared resource that supports the lives of billions of people. After all, aside from the forest, oceans are the other lungs of our Earth that support numerous wildlife and are essential to the vital water cycle.
From coral reefs to the high seas, this talk covers the unique threats that our oceans face and our role in it. Learn about how local communities and businesses are coming together in a concerted effort to protect our marine environments, save iconic species and preserve vital livelihoods and food sources for people in Asia.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Globally, nearly 789 million people still have little to no access to electricity. They depend on primitive forms of energy like charcoal and firewood to ignite their way through the night. This has a devastating impact on the health and well-being, economic stability, educational outcomes, and the environment they live in.
Join us in this rewarding guided assembly session on building junior buddy solar lights that will be delivered to children in Cambodia. Be a part of a movement where the gift of a solar light can bring hope and opportunity to the life of such a child and help them reach their full potential.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
**Quantity of lights and associated price are scalable. Please enquire for more details.
Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter. However, according to the WWF 2020 Living Planet Report, the population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles have seen an alarming average drop of 68% since 1970. Learn amazing facts about our world’s most beloved animals through a guided Origami session and zen with us during this hour. We promise you, you will walk away relaxed and inspired to protect these beautiful creatures.
*Price is subjected to 8% GST charge
Learn more about sustainability, and how you can play your part as an individual. Visit our ever-growing resources page to download free toolkits designed to bring sustainability to your workplace, home, and community. Get started on your journey to protect our environment!